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Historical Climate Data

Access historical weather, climate data, and related information for numerous locations across Canada. Temperature, precipitation, degree days, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, monthly summaries, averages, extremes and Climate Normals, are some of the information you will find on this site.

Services and Information

Historical Data

Search and download past Canadian hourly, daily, and monthly weather data.

Historical Radar

Access historical radar images from our network of radar sites across Canada. National, regional and local images are available.

Canadian Climate Normals

Find our Canadian Climate Normals & Averages datasets. Presented in monthly and annual tables.

Monthly Climate Summaries

A cross-country summary of the averages and extremes for the month, including precipitation totals, max-min temperatures, and degree days.

Almanac Averages & Extremes

Average and extreme temperature and precipitation values for a particular station over its entire period of record.

Engineering Climate Datasets

Are you interested in IDF Curves, CWEEDS or CWEC files? Visit our Engineering Climate Datasets page.

Related Links and Resources

Access additional links and resources, including Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) Open Data Services and the Canadian Centre for Climate Services.

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