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Monthly Climate Summaries

The following information contains values of various climatic parameters, including monthly averages and extremes of temperature, precipitation amounts, degree days, and sunshine hours.

A glance at the Climate Summaries for...

Hottest, Coldest and Wettest locations for December 2024
December 2024
Hottest location(s)
18.1°C at DANIEL'S HARBOUR, Newfoundland and Labrador Climate ID = 8401405
Coldest location(s)
-46.1°C at RABBIT KETTLE, Northwest Territories Climate ID = 2203342
Most precipitation
609.4mm at BOAT BLUFF, British Columbia Climate ID = 1060901
Disclaimer: This information is based on the Climate Summaries generated for the month displayed. Data has undergone only basic quality checking, and is subject to change.

Download the monthly summaries in CSV or XML format:

Step 1: Select Year and Month

Step 2: Select Province/Territory

Step 3: Select Data Format

Step 4: Get the data by selecting the button below

Note: Data sets are updated on the 5th of the month.

Monthly summaries for individual stations are available on the Canadian Centre for Climate Services website. Available stations can be viewed on a map and downloaded in bulk in either CSV or GeoJSON format. The summaries available on each website are derived from the same data but some climate parameters are presented differently.

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