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Related Links and Resources

Archived Notices

The Notice Inventory contains a record of all past and current Notices.

Data Access Tools

This site provides public access to real-time hydrometric data collected at over 1900 locations and access to historical data collected at over 7700 stations (active and discontinued) in Canada. These data are collected under a national program jointly administered under federal-provincial and federal-territorial cost-sharing agreements.

Access to historical wave, and weather data from Meteorological Service of Canada moored buoys. MSC50 Wind and Wave Climate Hindcast provides hourly wind and wave time series data from MSC/Oceanweather hindcast models.

Public access to adjusted and homogenized climate data for many climatological stations in Canada. These data were created for use in climate research including climate change studies. Addition Adjusted and homogenized Canadian climate data (AHCCD) available from MSC Datamart (in GeoJSON format): and documentation:

The Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) HTTP data server is a source of several raw meteorological data types and forecast data. This service is aimed at specialized users with good meteorological and IT knowledge, and is mainly meant to be accessed in an automatic manner via the internet (e.g. with scripts).

Additional climate datasets at MSC Datamart data:

1) Global climate model scenario data based on an ensemble of projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), in NetCDF format:

2) Statistically downscaled climate scenario data (DCS) based on an ensemble of statistically downscaled global climate model projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5, in NetCDF format:

3) Canadian gridded historical climate data, also referred to as Canadian gridded anomalies (CANGRD), interpolated from adjusted and homogenized climate station data (AHCCD), in GeoTIFF format:

Canadian Weather

Provides weather information to plan your day. Get the latest weather, 24 hr detailed forecast and seven day forecast for locations across Canada.

Whether you use weather information to decide how to dress for the day, make important business decisions, or out of curiosity, this is the Meteorological Service of Canada's consultation platform to welcome input from Canadians on our current and future weather products and services.

Connect with the latest marine alerts coming from the Authoritative Source of Weather Alerts 24/7 from Environment Canada. Also get marine forecasts, sea ice conditions, wave modelling information and sea surface temperatures.

Cartographic Tools/Maps

Provides timely information of the impacts of climatic variability on water supply and agriculture using data from Environment and Climate Change Canada and other sources. Products include: current and historical maps of precipitation, temperature, growing degree days and drought indices.

Offers information and maps on snow cover, minimum and maximum temperatures, and precipitation. Environment and Climate Change Canada and other data sources are used for the production of these maps.

Climate Information/Summaries

Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin (CTVB) places the most recent season's or year's temperatures and precipitation values in historical context by utilizing timely data sets from synoptic weather reporting stations in Canada and historical homogenized climate data.

The Ontario Weather Review offers a review of temperature and precipitation departures from normal values as well as severe weather that impacted the province. To receive this free product, on a monthly basis, you can subscribe by contacting the Ontario Climate Centre at the above-link with the subject line "Subscribe Ontario Monthly Weather Review". In your email, please specify whether you wish to receive the English or French version.

Helping Canadians understand and become more resilient to climate change.

The Canadian Climate Data and Scenarios (CCDS) is an interface for distributing climate change information.

The Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) has developed a number of climate models. Data from these climate models are available for downloading.

The Canadian Lightning Detection Network was set up in Canada in 1998 and has been collecting lightning measurements ever since. Learn which Canadian cities are more prone to lightning than others.

The OGIMET provides user-friendly access to up-to-date monthly climatological summaries for our approximately 126 Canadian CLIMAT stations. Link to the home page:

General Links Within Federal Government

Provides direct access to ice and iceberg information (such as maps and analysis charts for sea ice, lake ice, river ice and icebergs) in Canada's navigable waters to Canadians by Canadian Ice Service, a branch of the MSC.

GeoGratis is a website where you can find free maps, data, and publications to use without restriction.

Runs a clock in the time zone map to show each Canadian official time zone.

General Links Outside Federal Government

OSCAR/Surface is the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)'s official repository of Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) metadata for all surface-based observing stations and platforms. The English version was launched officially on May 2, 2016 thereby replacing WMO No. 9, Volume A, Observing Stations and WMO Catalogue of Radiosondes.

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network is a non-profit, community-based network of volunteers across the US and Canada who provide daily measurements of precipitation (rain, hail and snow). At this link, you can find more information about CoCoRaHS Canada, access precipitation data and maps and find out how to join the network as a volunteer: CoCoRaHS data are used by a wide variety of organizations and individuals including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Many of historical weather observations from the 19th century still exist in only paper and ink form. McGill's DRAW (Data Rescue: Archives and Weather) project is turning to citizen science to raise awareness of our historical scientific legacy and to engage the public in the task of safeguarding our scientific heritage. To lend a helping hand in turning historical climate data currently stored in archival books into digital bytes for research and analysis, click here.

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