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Station Results - 1971-2000 Climate Normals and Averages

3 stations found within a search radius of 25 kilometres of PRINCE RUPERT R PARK, with available climate normals. Stations with an asterisk "*" indicate that this station meets the United Nation's World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards. Stations are listed in proximity order relative to the search criteria (nearest to farthest). Click on a station name to display the climate normals.

1971-2000 Canadian Climate Normals Stations
Station Name Province/Territory Proximity (km) Latitude Longitude Elevation (m)
PRINCE RUPERT MONT CIRC BC 3.60 km 54°19' N 130°17' W 60 m
PRINCE RUPERT SHAWATLANS BC 6.55 km 54°20' N 130°15' W 11 m
* PRINCE RUPERT A BC 7.28 km 54°17' N 130°26' W 35 m

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