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Canadian Climate Normals
1991-2020 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate composite stations with at least 15 years of data between 1991 to 2020.
For more information, please see the 1991-2020 Calculation Information document.
To view a list of locations for which Climate Normals have been calculated, please download the Composite Station Inventory, or select and submit one of the following searches:
Search by Location Name
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Bulk Data Download of the 1991-2020 Climate Normals & Averages
The Canadian Climate Normals data and composite station inventories can be downloaded in bulk.
Downloaded files are in comma-separated value (CSV) format, in a zipped (compressed) folder.
Two areas of interest can be selected:
- "Canada-wide" downloads all available data for the whole country in a single file, for the product selected.
- "By Province or Territory" generates separate files based on the selection of one or more province or territory, for the product selected.
Select the area of interest, select the product, and click "Download":
1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate stations with at least 15 years of data between 1981 to 2010.
For more information, please see the 1981-2010 Calculation Information document.
To view a list of locations for which Climate Normals have been calculated, please download Normals Station Inventory, or select and submit one of the following searches:
Search by Station Name
Search by Province or Territory
Search by Proximity
For a bulk/multiple station download option, a subset of stations with the latest Climate Normals (1981-2010) are available for download in CSV and GeoJSON format from the Canadian Centre for Climate Services website. This tool also displays the available Normals stations on a map.
1971-2000 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate stations with at least 15 years of data between 1971 to 2000.
For more information, please see the 1971-2000 Calculation Information document.
To view a list of locations for which Climate Normals have been calculated, please download Normals Station Inventory, or select and submit one of the following searches:
Search by Station Name
Search by Province or Territory
Search by Proximity
1961-1990 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate stations with at least 15 years of data between 1961 to 1990.
For more information, please see the 1961-1990 Calculation Information document.
To view a list of locations for which Climate Normals have been calculated, please download Normals Station Inventory, or select and submit one of the following searches:
Search by Station Name
Search by Province or Territory
Search by Proximity
1951-1980 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate stations between 1951 to 1980.
For solar radiation and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 1 Solar Radiation.
For temperature and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 2 Temperature.
For precipitation and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 3 Precipitation.
For degree days and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 4 Degree Days.
For wind and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 5 Wind.
For frost and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 6 Frost.
For bright sunshine and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 7 Bright Sunshine.
For atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and their calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 8 Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature, And Humidity.
For soil temperature, lake evaporation, days with blowing snow, hail, fog, smoke/haze, frost and their calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1951-1980 Volume 9 Soil Temperature, Lake Evaporation, Days with Blowing Snow, Hail, Fog, Smoke/Haze, Frost.
1941-1970 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate stations between 1941 to 1970.
For temperature records and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Normals Volume 1 1941-1970. Please note that the temperatures are provided in degrees Fahrenheit.
For precipitation records and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Normals Volume 2 1941-1970. Please note that the precipitation amounts are provided in inches.
1931-1960 Climate Normals & Averages
Climate Normals and Averages are used to summarize or describe the average climatic conditions of a particular location.
At the completion of each decade, Environment and Climate Change Canada updates its Climate Normals for as many locations and as many climatic characteristics as possible. The Climate Normals, Averages and Extremes offered here are based on Canadian climate stations between 1931 to 1960.
For temperature records and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climatic Normals 1931-1960 Volume 1 Temperature. Please note that the temperatures are provided in degrees Fahrenheit.
For precipitation records and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climatic Normals 1931-1960 Volume 2 Precipitation. Please note that the precipitation amounts are provided in inches.
For bright sunshine, cloudiness, sea levels pressure, thunderstorm days and their calculation information, please see the Canadian Climatic Normals 1931-1960 Volume 3 Sunshine, Cloud, Pressure and Thunderstorms.
For humidity and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climatic Normals 1931-1960 Volume 4 Humidity.
For wind and its calculation information, please see the Canadian Climate Normals 1931-1960 Volume 5 Wind.
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