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Daily Speed of Maximum Gust for September 2017


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Daily Data (2017)
Daily Speed of Maximum Gust for September 2017 Day: 30; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 37 Day: 29; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 41 Day: 22; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 32 Day: 19; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 41 Day: 18; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 41 Day: 17; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 46 Day: 15; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 35 Day: 14; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 41 Day: 08; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 57 Day: 03; Speed of Maximum Gust (km/h): 35

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