Almanac Averages and Extremes for March 01
Category (Period of Record) | Value | Year |
Average Maximum Temperature | -1.4 °C | |
Average Minimum Temperature | -14.0 °C | |
Monthly Frequency of Precipitation | ||
Highest Temperature (1963-2004) | 10.5 °C | 1983 |
Lowest Temperature (1963-2004) | -33.4 °C | 1982 |
Greatest Precipitation (1963-2016) | 20.6 mm | 1972 |
Greatest Rainfall (1963-2016) | 7.6 mm | 1966 |
Greatest Snowfall (1963-2016) | 16.3 cm | 1968 |
Most Snow on the Ground (1963-2016) | 86.0 cm | 1971 |
Year | Maximum Temperature DefinitionMax Temp °C |
Minimum Temperature DefinitionMin Temp °C |
Mean Temperature DefinitionMean Temp °C |
Total Rain DefinitionTotal Rain mm |
Total Snow DefinitionTotal Snow cm |
Total Precipitation DefinitionTotal Precip mm |
Snow on Ground DefinitionSnow on Grnd cm |
Direction of Maximum Gust DefinitionDir of Max Gust 10's deg |
Speed of Maximum Gust DefinitionSpd of Max Gust km/h |
2016 † | 0.0 | 2.6 | 2.6 | 4 | |||||
2015 † | 0.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 31 | |||||
2014 † | 0.0 | 1.6 | 1.6 | 41 | |||||
2013 † | 0.0 | 1.6 | 1.6 | 12 | |||||
2012 † | 0.0 | 9.0 | 9.0 | 33 |
- A = Accumulated
- B = More than one occurrence and estimated
- C = Precipitation occurred, amount uncertain
- E = Estimated
- F = Accumulated and estimated
- L = Precipitation may or may not have occurred
- M = Missing
- N = Temperature missing but known to be > 0
- S = More than one occurrence
- T = Trace
- Y = Temperature missing but known to be < 0
- [empty] = Indicates an unobserved value
- ^ = The value displayed is based on incomplete data
- † = Data that is not subject to review by the National Climate Archives
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